Blog Archive

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 1, 2011 - Sam at 4 Months

Sam turned 4 months on March 4th.
At 4 Months, Sam...

...weighs around 13 pounds? I'm not sure exactly, and he doesn't go for his doctor's appointment for a couple more weeks, I'll update then. still wearing 3-6 month clothing and size 2 disposable diapers sleeping in his crib, but usually waking up twice throughout the night.  He likes to sleep in on the weekends.
...holds and grabs onto toys all the time - everything goes right in his mouth.  Which means he..
...drools all over the place. Which means he...
...has chapped cheeks a lot! Poor boy - he even had them in these 4 month pictures!
...has learned to roll over from his back to his belly.  Last month he learned to roll from his belly to his back.
...sleeps on his belly at night and for some naps (most naps during the week are spent in Nana's arms :) )
...has found his feet, which is very cute
...likes looking at himself in the mirror
...has started noticing the dogs and cat at home, and loves watching them play
...continues to amaze us because he is growing so quickly!

I'm so excited to see Sam grow, but really what happened to my baby? :)

*I should have waited to take his 4 month pictures over the weekend.  Instead I did it around 7:30 and I got a very sleep looking Sam.*

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